Welcome to the website www.primecac.pfizer.com of the company Pfizer Free Zone Panama S. de R.L. The information you find on this website is exclusively intended for informative purposes on product catalog, order history and invoices. Please read and review these terms of use carefully before using this website. By using or visiting this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, you may not use or visit this website.

1. Use of the website

The information provided on this website is solely for informative purposes on product catalog, order history and invoices. Certain sections of this website are intended for specific audiences, such as Pfizer employees and customers. Your access to and use of the information contained in this website is subject to these Terms of Use. By entering and using this website, you accept these Terms of Use, without restriction or reservation.

2. Content

Pfizer will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we do not guarantee or make any representations about the accuracy, currentness, validity or completeness of the information. You agree that access to and use of the website and its content is your own responsibility. Pfizer disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither Pfizer nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this website will be liable for any damages, including unlimited, direct, accidental, consequential, indirect, or penalty damages, arising from the access, use, or inability or inability to use this website, or any errors or omissions in its content. This list also includes damage to your computer equipment or damage caused by any virus that can affect your computer or your programs.

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4. Privacy

Pfizer respects the privacy of everyone who visits its website. The Pfizer Privacy Policy gives you all possible information about your rights and responsibilities regarding the information made available on this website. Would you like to read this privacy policy? Then click here.

5. Websites from and links to third parties

This website may contain links or references to other websites. These websites are maintained by third parties. Pfizer has no control over these third parties. Such links are provided purely as a service. Similarly, the website www.primecac.pfizer.com may also be accessible via external links from third parties over whom Pfizer has no control. Pfizer makes no warranty or reservation as to the accuracy, currentness, validity or completeness of any information contained in such websites. Pfizer also assumes no responsibility for any damage, injury or injury that may arise from the content of such information. The presence of any third party link in no way implies an endorsement or recommendation by Pfizer.

6. Medical information

This website may contain general information referring to different medical conditions and their treatment. This information is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for advice provided by a physician or any other qualified healthcare professional. You are not intended to use the information on this website to self-diagnose a problem related to your health, condition, or disease. You should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for this.

7. Predictive information

This website may contain predictive information that is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause effective results to differ from predictions. This includes risks detailed in the annual reports of Pfizer or its affiliates filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the most recent report filed with the SEC.

8. Non-Confidential Information

Subject to any applicable terms and conditions set forth in our Privacy Policy, any form of communication or other material that you send to us via the Internet or that you send to us on the website by electronic mail or any other instrument, such as questions, comments, suggestions or similar messages, are considered non-confidential. Pfizer will therefore have no obligation whatsoever with regard to such information. Pfizer will be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such communications for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development, production and marketing products.

9. Trademarks

Unless otherwise stated, all product names, whether in full print or with the trademark symbol, are trademarks of Pfizer, its affiliates, associated companies, or its licensed or patent issuers or joint venture partners. The use or misuse of these trademarks or any other materials - unless permitted in this section - is expressly prohibited and may constitute a violation of intellectual property protection laws and and any other rules and laws regarding openness and communication in each jurisdiction. Please keep in mind that Pfizer actively enforces the rights to its intellectual property, using all the options available to it by law.

10. Copyright

The entire content of the website is subject to copyright protection. Copyright ® 2021 Pfizer Free Zone Panama S. de R.L. All rights reserved. The content of the website may not be copied except for non-commercial individual consultation and retaining all copyrights and other proprietary notices. Subsequently, the content of the website may not be copied, reproduced or redistributed in any other way. Except as expressly provided above, you may not copy, display, download any information, text or document from this website or any part of it in any electronic medium or hard copy without the express written consent of Pfizer. , distribute, modify, reproduce, republish or retransmit, nor create any derivative work based on these images, texts or documents. Nothing in it will be used for any other purpose, whether by tacit agreement, exclusion or other agreement. This applies to any license or right, whether or not under any patent or trademark of Pfizer or any third party.

11. Regulations regarding the possible invalidity of certain clauses

This website and its content are aimed at complying with the laws and regulations in Panama. Although the information on this website is also accessible to users outside Panama, the information regarding the Pfizer products is intended for use by residents of the Central American and Caribbean region only . Other countries may have different laws, regulatory and medical practice requirements, which are different from those in Panama. Pfizer reserves the right to limit the provision of its products and services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction and / or to limit the quantities of any product or service we provide. If any proposal for any product or service created on this website is prohibited, such proposal will be considered unwritten.

12. Governing Law

These Terms of Use and your use of the website are subject to Panama law without regard to the principles of private international law. Any legal claim, act or measure in connection with this website will be settled exclusively by the competent court of Panama.

13. Miscellaneous

If any provision of these terms and conditions would be illegal, void or unenforceable, then such provision will be deemed unwritten without affecting the enforceability of any remaining provisions. Pfizer reserves the right to change or destroy any material on this website at any time and in its sole discretion.

Pfizer Free Zone Panama S. de R.L.
Calle 50, Edificio Towerbank piso 39
Bellavista, Panama